M iracles
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There is a great chasm between believing in something and demonstrating it to the world. “Walk Your Talk” is the mantra for May. You can read every spiritual book available, but if you don’t practice what you’ve accepted in your heart, then it is all for naught.
Holding love and compassion as the cornerstones of your belief system is very different from manifesting them in the real world. When all the pieces of your psyche are unified as one; you don’t have to try to be compassionate; you just are...
Remember a person with integrity follows through on their commitments. If you tend to second guess yourself or are filled with conflicting opinions, you might still be struggling to find your authentic self. And that’s okay- life is about learning to be a better you; and if you aren’t learning something new every day that’s a wasted opportunity.
To know whether you are coming from an integrated space, notice your behaviour during a time of chaos. If there is a gentle and quiet mind, and a clear path is seen, then love is present. When you come from this center, you are in the moment, not swayed by the past or future. You shine a beacon of self- assurance that draws all good things to you... May is your month to make this happen.
“I Nourish Myself" Decide today that this month you will eat only food that loves you. You know better than anyone what is best for you. Our bodies speak to us. All we need to do is listen.
“I Express My Gratitude"
Make gratitude your spiritual practice this month. Daily start with “ Good Morning, bed. Thank you for being so comfortable. I love you”.
The more you express gratitude, the more you will find to be grateful for. You will notice through the day there is so much to be grateful for. You can also start a gratitude journal this month. At night before sleeping write a minimum of 10 things you are grateful for.
“I am Open And Receptive To Love"
Life is always trying to love you, but you need to be OPEN to see it.
Complete this sentence:
I could make it Easier For Life to love me by ........
Yours To Focus On
It’s easy to see the faults in other people. Think of the positive characteristics of the people in your life right now. Remember the things that caused you to love them in the first place. Focusing on the love will change and heal the negativity that was once there.
Camellia’s Magical Specialities:
Authenticity and Decision Making, Alignment with Divine Feminine, Energy, Friendship, Humility/ True Confidence, Receptivity, Prosperity.
Just as a room can begin to feel stale and stagnant when no one visits it or limbs can atrophy when they aren’t being moved, stuckness- in regard to our dreams, goals, relationships or activities - just breeds more stuckness... unless we take proactive measures to shake things up and get things moving.
May, The time is right for you to breathe life, power, and forward movement into an idea, project or situation- or simply for you to activate your personal energy and get your momentum flowing in a positive direction.
As you hold in your mind what could use a powerful dose of activation in your life, tune into camellia’s vibrant strength and life force, and feel her unsticking any old, stuffy energetic conditions or patterns, filling them with the bright light of possibility, positive movement and success.
Close your eyes and visualise a bright, blood-red camellia blossom at your sternum (center of your chest) lending you strength, fortifying your heart, and filling you with scintillating courage and expansive joy. Stay here for as long as you need. Then when you’re ready, rub your palms together and once you feel heat in your hands, place them gently upon your eyes. Open your eyes when you’re ready.
Do this visualisation as often as you need to this month.
The following ideas and messages may apply to your present situation; notice any that particularly call out to you as you read the below list out loud.
Be proactive.
Establish positive new habits.
Make an extra effort to move your body through exercise.
Even if part of you doesn’t feel like it, put on some music that makes you want to move, and then dance. (This will get your energy out of rut and shake things up in a playful and possibility- filled way.)
Take positive steps towards initiating, healing, or strengthening a relationship.
Take a risk and go out on a limb.
Do something differently; change the decor in your house, wear something you wouldn’t normally wear, take a different route to work or the grocery store.
Get honest with yourself about what you really want.
Take steps to support your health and energy in a holistic way.
Stop procrastinating; do the things you’ve been meaning to do.
Stop talking yourself out of following your dreams.
Believe In Yourself.
Stop waiting for life to happen to you; you are the creator of your reality.
You can live the life you want. It is possible.
Set a clear intention and take 1 tiny step towards it today.
Bring camellia in your garden or home, spend time with camellia blossoms, or take a homeopathic flower essence remedy.
I Wish You A May Filled With Miracles
Love and Light
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