Reading for February 2019
What Your HEART Wants You To Know
Do you dare to believe that what you want, is also wanting you? The genuine desires of your heart are the sacred purpose of the soul, swathed in pleasure. Yet, if you have been shamed, judged for, made to feel guilt over, or denied your natural desires or pleasures in any way, you may have developed a very tricky and complicated relationship with the yearning’s of your heart.
February brings a healing message for you. First, trust in what you truly want. Not the substitutes and make-dos, but what would truly bring a sense of passionate, playful purpose and fulfilment to your life.You might not know anything more than “I want to sing!” or “I want to write!” or “I want to help animals!” Start with what you know and hold it in your heart as you do the healing process below, if you genuinely do not know what your heart wants, you will very much enjoy the process of exploring your desires by making gentle and persistent enquires of yourself.
Ask yourself, what it is that truly moves me?
Give this matter consistent attention without forcing a response. You answers may come in a sudden flood, or slowly, over time.
As you get to know your genuine desires and give yourself permission to feel and receive them, a powerful sequence is set in motion. From the depths of the universe, your desire hurtles its way towards you as the perfect manifestation.
It is coming to you even now- manifesting itself as the best situation or relationship or circumstances to bring fulfilment to your heart and radiance to your life path and creative awakening. So don’t give up. Keep dreaming of your fulfilment, but don’t imagine it as always awaiting you in some distant future. Instead play with what it will feel like to be so fulfilled, right now.
✨How will you feel different?
✨Will you be more grateful, more peaceful and content?
✨More confident?
✨More trusting of your ability to create and in the loving responsiveness of this wild universe?
Cultivate those feelings through this month. Give yourself permission to go there, right now!
Repeat the following mantra three times with feeling:” What I want, wants me, and I am open, willing and capable to receive it, through unconditional love now”
You can say this daily as often as you need.
Message For Your Doubts
February is also a time for humility and trust. You need complete faith in the processes and events that are happening. There is nothing to worry about, you will be moved most fully and easily, and with the most grace and assistance, through your faithful surrender. Ironically, it is through complete surrender, in total faith, that we become the most empowered.
When we are no longer trying to impede the perfection of the greater plan, we can be aligned with and moved by the process. Having faith in the benevolence of life- rather than harbouring the suspicion that life is seeking to catch us out, have a joke at our expense or carelessly toss us about as though we mean nothing- then we can relax a little. Having faith in the process gives you space to be curious about what is taking place and to relax enough to be open to what we are most in need of, even if we aren’t exactly sure what that is or how it can happen.
This month is an opportunity for you to be moved from the situation you are currently in, to the next chapter in your life story.
You may feel as though the wheels of your trolley are coming off or that they are a bit rickety, but you must also understand that the voice of life is now coming straight to your heart with this message:
“I have resources you know not of. It is safe to trust in my ways and in my wisdom, for I love you and I am guiding you into all that is rightfully yours. Know that what is rightfully yours is what your heart truly desires and you need not fear loss. Nothing that is meant to come to you will be denied and it is safe for you to let go and allow me to move you”.
Through faith, peace is restored and you will be able to know this, and perhaps have some fun in the process.
Message For Your Fears
You have a big destiny this lifetime and much to experience. Sometimes you make the error of judging something that is unpleasant as negative or a mistake. It isn’t. It’s just a part of your great hunger for experience. It doesn’t mean you have to have a lot of it, but when you do, don’t shame yourself for it. Simply, let it be. Maybe it’s just fertiliser for your next step on the path! It’s all part of your life process and it’s all a sign of growth.
This card is also telling you not to resist any points of instability in your life. This even applies to your most treasured relationships or creative projects. That instability is just a growing pain because more consciousness, more love and more light wants to infiltrate and pervade all parts of your life. The instability is not a sign of sickness, but of growth. So don’t fret. Instead choose to flow and grow.
You are now being asked to trust in yourself. Don’t overthink things, it won’t help you. Don’t worry so much, you are doing a great job in this game of life. When you trust yourself, you relax and you can heed your own wisdom, insights and messages more clearly and easily.
The Choice
On the path of life there are deciding moments where we can choose to go with the mainstream or we can dare to take a bolder, more authentic and trusting way- even if it seems riskier or less safe.To rely solely on logic and science, without incorporating the mysterious and magical is a recipe for an existence that is far too dry! The sacred rebel within our hearts will always choose a juicier approach to life.
February is such a choice point.You could say that the choice is about balance.It is less about choosing to honour either art or science, gardening or architecture, and more about integrating all approaches so that you enhance rather than hinder your life journey.
This month you are being asked to open to the intuitive approach in your life, your work, your creativity as well as in your spiritual journey.
You might have pressures around you - from the world- or from your own conditioned nature- to do things according to the rules, to a deadline or to the accepted mainstream view that you need a well thought out plan for success in a commercial venture. However, sometimes the best plan is to do what feels intuitively truthful in the moment and to trust that you are being led towards your own growth.
Adopting this approach means you have to do far less planning and far more living. It is a pure heart centred way to manifest your art, your life path and your essence into practical expression in the world.
It involves a willingness to be led by nature instead of trying to control the powerful force of life which is a bit like trying to fit a proverbial ocean in a teacup. It is far more intelligent to allow the ocean to be the ocean and to learn to swim in it rather than trying to cram it into a vessel that is much to small.
This month you are moving out of the plan! You are living on the border of what is socially accepted. This is good. This is fringe dwelling freedom. You now have a chance to live from the heart more deeply and expressively than ever before. This will require you to have courage in your convictions and faith in your hearts truths. This will help you and inspire others around you to step out of fear and live more freely and lovingly. You are not required to abandon logic and intellect altogether. You are to use them to serve the desires of the heart rather than to replace its naturally spontaneous and truthful nature with controlled planning and narrow strategy. It’s time to get a bit wild and let nature take its course!
Affirm “I now call on unconditional love and ask for the blessings of the heart to be witnessed and sanctioned by the great universal creator so that I may rise above small - mindedness and use the best of what human culture has to offer, in service to love. Through my own free will, so be it”.
Wish you a joyful January
love and light
✨Power Of The 3C’S✨covers a detailed Card Reading, a Chakra Reading with a Healing Affirmation and Crystal recommendations to help you align with your intentions.
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