✨Reading for September 2017✨
According to numerology, the energies of September help us to come face to face with the lessons, gifts and challenges of our Personal Year Number. This is so you can start wrapping things up in order to prepare for the new year. September is when the energies of what we are supposed to learn throughout the year are intensified and brought clearly to the surface.
✨September 2017 numerological Energy Message✨
This month is a time of necessary endings and completion in preparation for new beginnings. You are being encouraged to let go of the old to make way for the new. This may relate to a particular mindset, behaviour, friendship, job, residence or relationship you have outgrown; or it could indicate a completion of a karmic lesson, period of study or a contractual obligation.Either way the message is a confirmation for you that you MUST move forward. Be optimistic and ambitious, move with the changing tides.Pay attention to the signs and seize the moment when it arises.Find your inner strength and courage to step into the unknown- feel the fear and do it anyway. When you are open to new beginnings, the universe will send you the next logical step to take.
The Tarot brings the Ravens to you. They provide the magic that manoeuvres you towards truth and destiny. In this image the ravens are perched on the Norse tree of life -Yggdrasil. The ravens third eye peers out from the heartwood of the tree's experience of life. A tree renews itself from the inside out, from heartwood center to roots and weathered branches. The Raven teaches us that if spiritual renewal proceeds from the heartwood of higher self, it produces a positive effect on our physical and emotional well-being. This month focus on "synchronicity"- don't let it pass by unnoticed. See and catch the magic moments that appear. Notice when a raven appears this month to you and remember that's the universe bringing you a message.
Pick an affirmation from the card that you feel most drawn to for this month. Do it 21 times a day for 21 days.
✨ Mind ✨
How you are processing inputs and projecting your energy
Are you ready to close the gate behind you and walk forward into the misty unknown future ? If your answer is yes, affirm the below.
✨Affirmation✨ " It is safe and comfortable for me to move on. I consider all my options and then take action on my own behalf"
Physical reality:tangible parts of you and the world around you
Are you ready to let the river of abundance start flowing your way ? If yes become aware now by taking the first step by acknowledging the difference between what you need and what you want! Then affirm the below.
✨Affirmation:"✨ I can move through any cycle with dignity and awareness. I am open to receiving increasing wealth. Money moves to and through my life, bringing benefits to all. "
✨Spirit ✨
Your higher consciousness or soul connected to everything.
Are you ready to heal your heart and let go of the past hurt and move on ?
Are you ready to reclaim your power and peace of mind? To open your heart to the light of divine love and healing affirm the below:
✨Affirmation✨: " I release the pain of the past and live with compassion for myself. Love heals and renews me now"
✨Crystal to work with in September ✨
Rose Quartz - To connect your heart with everything you do this month.
Malachite - To attract abundance in all areas of your life.
Amethyst - To support your crown and third eye chakra in seeing clearly what is the lesson,the gift and challenge you must work with this month.
Black Tourmaline- To shield your energy.
✨Yoga poses for September✨
Prayer pose:Stand aware with your feet apart at hip distance and hands in prayer position( Anjali mudra) in front of your chest. Make sure your weight is evenly distributed. Take a deep breath and then exhale chanting OM thrice. Then state your intent for the day.
Urdhavahasta asana- raise your arms keep them straight up then touch your palms together above your head if you can or just let them face each other.
Do the above practice daily this month.
September is when the magic happens ! Be open to receiving! ✨💚✨🙏🏻😊
To get a personal Card Reading click here : http://imojo.in/4q3uu4