What all happened this year are just a few of many inspired brushstrokes on the canvas of your life’s work. You are the artist who paints with trust, instinct and spontaneity, with faith in the process unfolding. Your lack of plan renders you open and receptive to divine direction. You are a brave adventurer! Even without a clear direction or plan sometimes even because of that, there is an inner plan that can come to fruition.
So celebrate what you created and realize it is an important step in your major work of divine art, this life of yours, not to be planned, but to be experienced... stroke after stroke, step after step, you shall witness the picture coming to life. It may not be what you expected, but it will be the most beautiful, extraordinary creation.
✨2018 LESSON✨
Your body remembers the trauma, the closeness, the love, the fear and the exuberance of your full history- even when your mind doesn’t. Bring a memory to the surface to align your current self with the knowledge stored in your body. Go deep into a challenge to go beyond it, a study of the past will help you recognise and break a limiting cycle.
Still your mind, relax, close your eyes and feel the timeless healing energy of our Mother Earth. There is one love, one breath and one dream flowing and evolving through you. Explore, collate and learn from the patterns of the past. Acknowledge your creative capacity to flourish through challenge.
This faery asks you to remember that whoever you seem to be, there is a larger, more transpersonal part of who you are, a part of you that belongs within
She dances alone, and from each movement springs golden tendrils of energy, running from hands, through feet, whirling around and through her, a weaving of energies that calls souls back to life. And as long as she dances, shaping the source into patterns that we recognise as life forms, there will be happiness, and merriment, and the ecstasy of being.
The energies to bring to your awareness are:
✨Creating your own world✨
✨The end of chaos✨
✨Singing your own song✨
✨Freedom of movement✨
✨Grace and meaningful activity✨
✨The ability to heal✨
✨Beginnings to new ventures that are divinely directed✨
Are a few things that come with the learning of 2018.
This month ‘trust’ that you are guided, even if it doesn’t seem like it! There are spiritual guides, allies, and angels surrounding you all through December.
✨There is a potent plan for your life! Trust...✨
Listen with your heart. Act on your instincts. Believe that the messages you are being given are in your highest good. Get down to basics. Trust what you feel!
The universe wants you to know that the desert path can seem like a vast wasteland: yet it is in the isolation that immense insights and intuition can emerge.
In times of old, sages and visionaries retreated into the desert to connect more deeply with Spirit. If in the past, you trusted your instincts, and then later it seemed to be a mistake, don’t let that keep you from trusting your instincts now. Often those things that we thought were mistakes in the past, in hindsight, were the best things possible for us. As you open to your intuition you will sense messages from and the loving presence your spirit guides and ancestors.
Dramatic purification, renewal and healing will occur for you on many levels in the month of December. Don’t be concerned if there is chaos in your life: in this instance it is good. It is shaking things up so you don’t become stagnant. If your auric field or personal space is cluttered, it’s difficult for exciting new experiences and opportunities to come into your life. December is the time to clear the air and release situations and people who don’t empower you. Purify the dross out of your life. In order for renewal to occur, the old needs to make way for the new.
Be open to change. It’s all good, even if it might not seem like it. Allow the new energy to flood into your energy field. Examine your life, and see what needs to be cleared, renewed or released. December is that time. Renewal and even rebirth is at hand. Be open to it.. trust the process of life!
See you in 2019 renewed and inspired!
Love and light
To sign up for a personal reading contact Shivani via WhatsApp on +919920580060
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.