💜Reading for December💜


Message from 2017 upto December

This year was about finding joy in the moment no matter what was occurring in your life. Filling your life with people, experiences and places that gave you delight and joy. Some of you also let go of people and things that didn’t appreciate or empower you. You gave yourself permission to be happy. The learning this year brought was that you’re not simply meant to work hard and be diligent and practical. You need to embrace pleasure whenever you can as well. This is where you crossed a bridge in a way to let go of the past and begin a new cycle in your life. This year was also a time to forgive and let go of the past. Now what you need to do is whatever that is required to make amends and then let it all go. 

If there is anything unresolved in your life, take steps to restore and reconcile. The choice now is for you to realise that there are times to step away from certain people and situations; there are also times to carefully mend bridges with people, situations and places ... then go forward.

The Gift From December

This month be open to support and help from others; you don’t need to do it all alone. Sometimes that support comes from someone you least expect. If someone offers you help, accept it. Trust that your life is guided. Know that you are very loved, in ways that you may not always directly experience, know You are safe and you are loved. Angels and spirit guides are real, and their presence is near. They’re only a thought away. Open your heart to their messages and healing. 

This month to achieve fulfilment, purify yourself and your environment. In order to release old beliefs, stagnant energies and auric grunge that you may have picked up, it’s necessary to cleanse yourself and your home. Let go of the old, discarded and unused. Eat lightly; drink lots of water and simplify your life. Every time you bathe/ shower hold the intention that ‘all that is not needed is being washed away’. When you purify yourself, you become a clearer channel for light and thus know what direction is best for your life. This month is all about releasing all that no longer serves you. 

Message from 2018 for you now

New vistas are ahead, and you have the power to choose.. and within this is your freedom. Do not allow the restrictions and limitations placed on you by the expectations of others deter your path. Be daring. Cast aside conventions and restrictions. Dance.Laugh. Explore. Go beyond your predictable behaviour. Say yes to life. Choose pathways that lead to greater freedom and happiness. 

The secret to expanding joy is to cherish the preciousness of life and everyone and everything around you. It’s simple, easy, and so very powerful. Be grateful for as much as you can. Thankfulness is modern day alchemy, it can yield happiness, grace and peace beyond imagination.

No matter what twists and turns there are in the road, whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable, whether you are confident or unsure. ... no matter what you are experiencing, even if your challenges seem insurmountable, feeling grateful will ease any challenge, replace darkness with light and allow you to hear the chorus of the angels. Your entire life can transform when you take time to fully, deeply and profoundly allow the grace of gratitude to fill you.

💜December Gift of Virtues💜


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Previous Monthly Readings: