✨Oracle Card Reading For May✨


You’re the master of your own destiny - and that includes your relationships. 

May is the time of action, action, action! Take charge! Examine your relationships and make the necessary changes required.

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Ask yourself: 
Are you comfortable with the amount of effort your relationships require of you?
Are both parties putting forth equal effort to make the relationship work?
If any relationship feels draining or it’s not worth the effort, are you ready to let it go and move on? 

If things are not moving in the direction you wish, do whatever is required to shift the direction. Be present and focus on the tasks at hand. Give every relationship the opportunity and time that it needs and deserves to flourish and grow. 


While the title of the card(helpless & hopeless) may sound bleak, don’t let that scare you. This is a wake up call to adjust your thinking about a situation or relationship. You may feel that obstacles have been placed in your way, preventing you from achieving your dreams. You may think that your situation is beyond hope and that you are powerless to improve it. 

Nothing could be further from the truth. How-ever, all that is required is a willingness to take action.

Assess your current state of affairs and see what needs to change. Then take decisive steps to make the changes and move yourself into a position of empowerment. 

Recognise that you do have the ability to create the reality of your dreams. Nothing can hold you back unless you let it. Take charge, step into your power, and watch the magic of transformation happen!

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You are at a point in your life where you need to learn how to truly give and receive love. If you have been holding onto past pain then it is time to acknowledge, feel and move forward. 

Focus on your heart. Take some slow deep breaths. Imagine unlocking the door to your heart. 

What does your heart look like? 

If it is cold and grey, imagine melting the coldness with yellow light. What do you need to communicate with so that your heart can heal? Imagine that this person/situation is in front of you now. Say what you need to say and share it without holding back. Now step into their shoes and answer back from the highest place within them. 

Give yourself permission to experience an open heart. Every time you want to close your heart take some deep breaths and choose to keep it open. Even if it hurts. 

By fully opening your heart you will awaken your vulnerability, sensitivity, and fear, in particular your fear of rejection and intimacy with another. However, you will also unleash your passion, inspiration and greatness and an ability to care deeply. Give yourself permission to let people in. Ask for love with all your heart and soul and it will come. Look for something beautiful in every person you encounter.

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Motivation is that inner power of energy that cultivates the seeds of ambition. As one of the most important keys to success, motivation is the initiative and willingness to take action. Energising the spirit with goal oriented energy, motivation sets the mind in motion with focus and concentration. Make time for yourself each day to plan and work towards your goals, and your life will change for the best. Be persistent in your actions!



Rituals for May

‘When Hibiscus sees something she wants, she actively pursues her desire. She doesn’t rely on just hope and a prayer, motivation adds fuel to her fire’.

Ritual 1. Flame of Ambition 

Things you need: 
A bright orange or yellow candle
A piece of paper
A red ink pen or marker 
A glass bowl

Light the candle, and connect with the flame visualising yourself absorbing the energy emanating from it. After a few minutes on a piece of paper, write the word “motivation”.

Fold the paper and hold it to the flame, when it’s lit put it in the glass bowl, and watch it burn while chanting aloud with intent: 

"Motivate me with the light of fire,
Move me towards what I desire”. 

Once the paper has turned to ashes, toss it outside to the wind. Put the candle out once you have finished. 

Ritual 2: Motivation Basket

Things you need: 
A selection of natural items such as acorns, pinecones, stones, crystals, seashells etc
Any pure citrus essential oil( orange, grapefruit, lime, tangerine)
A small attractive basket

Anoint each item with the citrus oil by rubbing a little on each object. As you do chant aloud with intent,

“Inertia binds my goals,
But doesn’t bind me.
I will strive towards my desire,
And not wait any longer for it to find me!”

Place an item in the basket. Repeat the Chant with each item until they have all been anointed and placed in the basket. The more items you put in, and the more effort you make in anointing and chanting, the stronger the overall intentions, so no shortcuts! 

Put your basket where you can see it daily. Each time you see your basket and inhale the uplifting citrus scent, your motivation and productivity will be recharged. Continue to anoint the items with the citrus oil each week this month, repeating the chant. 

I wish you a magical month!


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See other energy healing services offered by SmMagic.

See Special Offer for the Month

Previous Monthly Readings:

APRIL 2018

APRIL 2018









MARCH 2018

MARCH 2018