💛Reading for January 2019💛


When adding up all the numbers in 2019 we find that we are in a Numerology Year 3.It is considered as a symbol of the trinity and a number that brings good luck. 3 has long been considered a sacred number. We are the third planet from the Sun, we live in a 3D reality, every story has a beginning, middle, and end, and we are also comprised of a mind, body, and soul.

The number ‘3’ is all about joy, creativity, communication, emotional sensitivity, expression and socialising.’3’ is an energetic, fast moving  number, the most powerful attribute of it being communication.

2019 will be a year of happiness and fun, allowing our passionate hearts drive our endeavours, being lighter, more free-spirited, creatively expressive and putting PLAY into our work, our relationships, our finances & our health & wellbeing.

Message From The Tarot

A “live in the moment” approach to life can often result in a happier future, especially if the choices and actions of the present are motivated by pure intentions, positive thoughts, and love


The tarot card for the number ‘3’ in this deck is The Youth. This month he represents a necessity to address a desire for change within your life, and asks that you have courage and determination to make your choice without allowing others to discourage or steer you in a direction of their choosing. If you do not put your own interests first, the potential for greater unhappiness and conflict will increase. You have dreamed for long enough; now is time to act, even if it means leaving behind all that is safe and familiar.

Message From The Unicorns

A team can do more than a single person. 


You are being asked to be a good team player. First, be open to asking others for help. Second, when other people try to help you... let them do so! It’s okay to have other people’s help, after all. (And be sure to thank people who have helped you). Third, you’ll need to offer help to others.In this way, you’ll all help each other. A team effort is always a good thing ! 

Also remember that you and your angels are a team. Whenever you need help with anything, just think, Angels please help me with this! And they will go to work right away!

Message From The Witchlings:

Motivate me with the light of fire,
Move me towards what I desire. 


Motivation is that inner power of energy that cultivates the seeds of ambition. This month make time for yourself each day to plan and work towards your goals, and your life will change for the best. Be persistent in your actions, and receive all achievements with gratitude and celebration! Remember as one of the most important keys to success, motivation is the initiative and willingness to take action. Begin by making a list of your goals. Get a calendar and daily fill in what you did to get closer to them this month!

Message From The Fairies:

You’re in control of the choices set before you. 


Start this year by choosing to set positive goals in life, then you’re in control of the choices set before you to reach your desired destination. In January, decisions need to be made every day, some being easier than others. 

Making your own choices and accepting the repercussions is how you remain in control of your life. Being responsible is a trait of strong morality. Choices go hand in hand with responsibility; all actions have consequences. Use judgement to weigh the pros and cons of each option. 

The fairies remind you to not be controlled by the choices, always be in the drivers seat. You are empowered with the capacity to choose what’s best. Keep an eye on your goals, and allow your inner voice to guide you.

Message From January To You: 

Listen to your Inner Guidance. 


There is a place inside you that always knows the truth. Take time this month to be still, to discover that genuine place of knowing within. Often the hardest thing about living your truth is discovering what it is, so it’s important to slow down, be quiet, and listen to the whispers of your soul. If there’s an area in your life in which you’re not being authentic or where you’re not living in integrity, this month is the time to make some changes. 

   Questions To Ask Yourself:

💚Is there an area in my life where I’m not living in integrity?

💚What do I need to do to be in accordance with my deepest truth? 

💚Is there anyone who isn’t being truthful with me, and do I need to take action regarding this situation? 

Remember that the soul loves the truth. Follow it by speaking your truth. To thine own self be true. Affirm”I stand in the light of truth”. 

January is the month to set the wheels in motion for the year. Make that goals list and take action daily towards achieving it. Do what’s right for you by listening to your inner guidance. 

Wish you a joyful January 
love and light 

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Previous Monthly Readings: