Let’s begin November with a magical tip on 'How To Be Happy?’
Simply turn up the corners of your mouth! :)
When we are happy, we smile, as that is the way our brain is wired. The beauty of this wiring is that the reverse is also true! When we smile it sends a little signal up the neuropathway to our brain
and we start feeling happy.
Try it, it works like Magic💫
As the old saying goes, you can’t love somebody else until you love yourself. It’s true!
The most important goal you can achieve in this life is that of loving yourself unconditionally. And it’s a tough one. You are the very person who knows your dark secrets, faults, and shortcomings the best. It’s easy to see the good in other people, because you don’t know anyone but yourself inside and out.
The quality of love you give out is only as good as the quality of love you have for yourself. So stop shortchanging the world by not loving yourself with the same intensity you do others. You’ve made mistakes, but you’ve learned from them. That’s what progress and spiritual evolution are all about. Love your weaknesses, as much as your strengths, because they are your teachers.
Forgiveness is the cornerstone of love. To be fully aligned with the power of love requires complete forgiveness of self and others. Some of us might find this hard to accomplish because we are letting our “ego” be in the driver’s seat. When you can’t forgive, it is the ego holding on to past hurts and the feeling of not being in control.
Trust that forgiveness will remove old blockages and causes of emotional distress, allowing love energy to work through you. Remember By Forgiving, you are not excusing or condoning a particular behaviour; Instead, you are willing to understand the lesson being presented.
The saying Forgive and Forget is a misnomer, for you should never forget a lesson. Bless the experience, but always remember what you have learned from it. When you forgive, you open yourself up to the positive and loving experiences that the Universe wants to bestow upon you. Now there is room for them, in the space formerly taken up by babysitting those horrible toxic feelings.
I Wish You a November of Newness!
Love and Light
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5 Mantras For Happiness And Don’t Forget To Smile When You’re Chanting Them! :)
1. Chant the Mantra “OM” daily for 5 minutes or more. In those minutes do variations of it by extending the “O” and then extend the “M”.
2. look into the Mirror and Say “I Love You (your name)” ... try and do this as many times in the day you look at yourself in the mirror.
3. Affirm: “Where I am right now is exactly where I need to be.”
This mantra is meant to remind us that whatever situation we’re in,we are right where we’re meant to be. If it’s a good place, we should experience it fully. If not, we’re reminded that there is still an important lesson to be learned.
4. Try this mantra: Let (your name) be (your name).
This reminds us to be ourselves and to give ourselves the space to grow and develop in our own time. We are free to err and forgive ourselves, allowing us to practice compassion and self-acceptance.Most of us wear masks. And most of us are afraid to be ourselves, simply out of fear of judgment.
Bottom line? Accept yourself for who you are, and just be you.This was one of the hardest lessons for me to accept, but the one that has given me the greatest clarity and direction in my life.
5. Affirm: “Today I choose to be happy”
Every morning when you wake up stretch your arms and smile while saying this!