2020 is about changing from within and watching the changes happening on the outside. The world is not the same as before. Everything can be questioned. Everything will be reviewed. Everything you knew will change...
Find your ‘light’ self this month.Remember, the past holds no value and the future is yet to arrive. Surrender yourself if you have to – surrender yourself to the present. Be here now!!
✨Reading for the Month✨
Energy of January
In life, there is a higher purpose to everything even though it might not be clear in the moment. Something in your life is changing, and it is probably unsettling. Trust that soon, the pieces of the puzzle will start falling into place, and you will begin to find meaning in it.
Give up the idea that you must be good at everything. Know what you want to do and do what works. Refine your abilities. Transfer a skill set from one environment to another. Do not underplay what you are capable of. Narrow your interests and build on your existing strengths to conserve output and increase your value. A creative response to ‘change’ will see you flourish.
For now, trust in the refinement process, hone your ability for love and develop your capacity for compassion. As all taints fall away, the truth becomes clearer.
Only when you are able to feel abundance within will it manifest externally. First and foremost you must stop thinking that others are somehow better than you, for in reality they are not. When you let go of this distorted view your unique talents will be visible to yourself and others.
You have many special qualities and gifts. From now on every time you see a quality you like in another person, check to see where that same quality is in you. It might be hidden but without doubt it will be there in one form or another. Know that you deserve abundance; to be and have all your hearts desires. But first ‘you must’ feel abundant on the inside.
Affirmations you can work with to activate abundance within:
💚I love and honour my many special gifts and talents.
💚I give thanks for the abundance within and around me.
💚My life is an endless flow of abundance.
💚A river of gold flows through my heart.
The Challenge:
It is imperative that you forgive, for in doing so, you will set yourself free. Yet to forgive does not mean that you condone or approve of another’s harmful actions. It just means that you are no longer willing to be that person’s victim. Holding on to past hurts keeps you imprisoned within your own pain. Forgiving cuts the negative energetic ties that bind you to a painful past action.
Forgive and set yourself free, because you are worth it! In doing so you will regain your sense of self and your life will change for the better.
Forgiveness Affirmations:
💚 In forgiving another I set myself free.
💚 In forgiving another I show love and respect for myself.
What you need to focus on in January is Humility.
To chop wood essentially means being grounded in everyday experience. There are times when the big dream is meant to lie dormant in your consciousness so that you can pay attention to the simple chores in your life. Consider why pruning a tree is the forerunner of delighting in the beautiful blossom when it is in full blossom. The mundane act of pulling off dead leaves, watering the soil, and then leaving it be to let nature take its course is an important step in manifestation.
Taking your attention away from your goal brings you into a state of receptivity. This is the deeper purpose for releasing attachment. January Is your month for this. When you engage in everyday tasks in a meditative, contemplative way, you clear your energy to receive your “Aha!” Moments, which brings you even closer to what you seek.
Relationship Message: Nothing is as important this month than just doing what you need to do day to day. Let your heart remember that not everything has to be hard-won, passionate, or even obviously meaningful.
Remember relationships and friendships go through lulls when the everyday tasks are at the center of awareness. That is perfect now. Hold hands,Wash dishes, make a fire, read a book, share a meal, say nothing, stare into space, pick up socks, tell a dumb joke... and leave space to breathe.
The “work” of your relationship right now is very simple: just be present. Funny how it takes work to “just be”. All is well, really.
Prosperity Message: January is the time to take small steps, rather than big leaps, on the journey to creating your most prosperous life. Move your focus off your big dreams and attend to the mundane chores. This message has come twice in this reading. It really needs your focus.💚
Focus on the little things that may have piled up while you’ve been mapping out the greater plan for the life you aspire to see manifest into reality. “ Chop wood, carry water”, as the Zen proverb advices- or spring clean, walk your dog... While you’re doing all that, Spirit will have a chance to move mountains and set wondrous miracles in motion for you.Remain humble and aware of the present.
Mythologist Joseph Campbell once said, “Take one step towards the gods and they will take ten steps towards you”.
I Wish You A Just January
Love and Light
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