Energy of April


“Hardships felt and having none.
Those days are past, now truly gone.
For I’ve appeared with great supply
of all you need you may ask why.
With open heart you must believe,
You are more than worthy to receive”.

Your prayers have been heard and are about to be answered. Having endured a rough ride, you thought that you were sinking to rock bottom. You kept going, knowing that someday assistance would arrive. And it has, in the form of your own Faery Godmother!

She has watched you struggle, often going without, and at other times you’ve thrown caution to the wind and treated yourself, knowing finances would eventually turn up. You see, when you don’t follow your dreams and passions, it is like swimming against the tide.

How can the universe give freely to you when you have barricaded yourself in?

Perhaps you’ve felt that you’re not worthy of receiving or feel bad when accepting gifts. When you turn this type of thinking around, you will be in a position to receive all that is waiting to come to you. It may not come in the form that you expect, however. If you ask for a specific item, it will manifest often as something much better than you imagined. Too many people believe that they should ask for money in order to purchase their desires. A true alchemist knows to focus solely on bringing the desired object into form. In other words if you need a new bed, then ask her for one, rather than spending your time wishing for financial assistance to buy one. It enables your Faery Godmother to go straight to the task in hand, cutting out the middle-man so to speak. She assures you that you will be pleased with the results of this age-old technique and she will be delighted to reward you for your patience. Now brace yourselves thus month, as she shakes her magic wand and showers you with prosperity and abundance you rightly deserve.

Message From The Past


You can talk yourself in circles, but remain unheard. At other times, you can be heard without uttering a word. The onus of understanding is on the listener. Love, care and consideration are expressed by an attentive ear and a welcoming heart. Sound is wasted on those who don’t hear. Save your voice. You will learn more by listening. A truth needs to be heard.

The message from the past for you this month is that the universe loves you. It’s message is humming, pulsing and vibrating through all of creation. Love’s undulation floats in empty space, waiting to be received. Extend your senses. Awaken to the message of the universe.

Message From The Past


During a healing challenge, it might seem counterintuitive to have compassion for someone who hurt you in the past. However, forgiveness is a vital step in your healing process. Decide to let go of resentment this month. Feelings of hurt, suffering, being the victim or wanting revenge are low in vibration and prevent you from making progress. Forgiveness carries a high vibration. Forgiving will bring healing to you. You don’t need to communicate an apology, forgiveness is something you do within yourself. Once you decide to forgive, it can lead to feelings of tolerance, sympathy and consideration for those who hurt you.

Ponder the times when others have forgiven you. Forgiveness is a process. 
In the card artwork, a dryad is connecting to a rabbit and a sparrow. Try to look at a situation from a different perspective. The sparrow may indicate a situation being resolved in a creative manner. The rabbit signifies a beginning as well as working out social differences. The orange and yellow hues may relate to the sacral and solar plexus chakras. The colour green represents the heart chakra, where the major healing will occur in this situation. Reflect on how this card affects you.

When you think of forgiveness, is there anyone specific that comes to mind? Where would the healing that comes with forgiveness be of benefit to you?

Message From The Future


From the calm, neutral perspective of love, and free from fear, guilt and judgement of this world, your higher self looks through the conflict and drama of the physical world and sees the hidden meaning and purpose. From a distance, present chaos looks perfectly ordered. Seek greater awareness. Tune into the depths of your heart to find heavenly peace.

Remember a glass of water is colourless, but an ocean of water is blue. Close up, air is colourless , but a sky full of air is blue. Although it has no substance, the sky looks down at what it believes is it’s reflection. However, the ocean draws in and absorbs the light to become blue in and of itself, not as a reflection of the sky. It is all a trick or light.

Perspective is everything. That which appears clear enough on the surface takes on a different hue when you look deeper.
 Little things you brush off as nothing compound and colour your world. From a distance, it all looks so peaceful, so blue.

You are you, in your own right, not as a reflection of circumstance, expectation or assumption.

This month, define and trust yourself. A clear and simple answer betrays the true complexity of an issue. Resist the temptation to take someone or something at face value. A pattern of behaviour reveals more than a single gesture. Go deeper, broader and higher to get a fuller perspective.

In Summary

The past, the present and the future messages all apply to you now in this moment. Take time to reflect on the messages shared. Remember to see things from a higher perspective. Have compassion for yourself and others by listening. The energy of abundance rules April, try to see how you can activate it in your life.

I Wish You An Authentic April
Love and Light


April Offer “Month of Magical Healing”


Phone sessions with SmMagic



Chakra Healing with SmMagic


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Tarot/ Oracle Card Reading with SmMagic


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APRIL 2019