🦋💜September  Guidance💜🦋


In September, be assured that the realm of spirit is orchestrating everything perfectly, down to the smallest details. Starting today, release your desire to control things or make them other than what they are. The more you release this tendency, the more everything will seem to just miraculously unfold: more and more often, you will find yourself in the perfect place at the perfect time doing the perfect thing. 

Like the mountain in the distance on the card image, find stillness and patience, and consider the long view. And, like the woman on the card, feel that you are safely shielded and protected beneath the magical umbrella of divine timing. 

Relax, Trust. Dwell in a state of inner quiescence.

All Is Well!


To love is to give the best of yourself with acceptance and appreciation. Love is fully giving of your heart’s truth without doubt. In September, realise there are many types of love: romantic, familial, platonic. To care deeply is to want those you love to  be safe, happy, healthy and fulfilled. By opening your eyes and heart, every moment becomes charged with an ever-present breath of love, and your soul pulses with the heart’s melody. 

This month step into the stream of life and love will be yours in the giving and receiving.  

Speak, listen, act, think, and see from your heart; it holds your essential infinite knowledge for truth. Remember you enter the realm of unconditional love when your heart is fully open. Love blooms through liberty as opposed to what “should be”. This month may the love you give not be tied down to expectations or conditions. Trust that love will get you through anything, and to love is as natural as breathing. 

You Have All The Love You Need Inside To Warm Yourself And Those Around You.


Yule is first and foremost, a celebration of light. After weeks of successively darker days, it is time to joyously welcome the return of the sun. Everything about Yule honours life and light. Our lives have cycles. Just like the waxing and waning of the days through the year and the moon through the months, we experience times of joy and times of sorrow. 

Whether your current situation is bleak or just not as bright as you’d like, the Spirit of Yule suggests that you prepare this month for and call to you the return of light and joy. Now is a time where like things attract. If you actively call forth light and joy, they will come to you. You can do this in many ways, such as focusing on your current blessings and making plans for the time ahead. 

 Candle Magic- Calling The Light! 

Light incense. Gather as many white, red, green and gold candles. Say the following words before lighting them: 

I Banish Thee 
Love and Light 
I Call To Me 
With Faith I Ask
So Let It Be! 

 Now light all your candles. Then, make a list of all the things in your life that bring you joy. Roll up the paper, and tie it with a green ribbon.
On another piece of paper, write your plans and hopes for the next month. Roll it up and tie it with a red ribbon. Say the following words as you tie both scrolls together with a gold ribbon: 

For Each Joy, I Am Grateful
And Daily Give Thanks
For My Plans, I am Hopeful 
And Always Give Thanks. 

 Put the bundle where you can see it as more light makes its way to you. Don’t forget to put out your candles once you’ve finished. 

In September, if you want to turn your life around, try THANKFULNESS.


On a deeper level, this practice encourages you to respond with thankfulness to all aspects of your life- from love to nourishment, nature, shelter, friendship, education and the many other precious gifts that are given to you freely. You are able to reflect deeply and know how fortunate we truly are. By cultivating gratitude, you expand beyond your own limited self and understand that we are all supporting and nurturing each other in the oneness of space. You have an inner knowing that the special skills and talents in each of us are there to assist us all in our growth. 

Start a gratitude journal this month. At the end of the day write in it. You can begin by putting the date and your list can start with Thank You Universe for the gift of .... or I am Grateful for .... or a mix of both. 

 Can you give thanks to every part of your body that is working harmoniously to sustain your life? 

What you could also do is write a list of your personal possessions that are provided, made, or created by others. See how much gratitude can be generated by your list.


Humility is one of life’s most estimable qualities. This month remember to acknowledge that no one is “lesser” or “greater” than you; only some employ tools of love, compassion and acceptance to a lesser of greater extent. 

Accepting others as fellow souls who desire love and understanding and encouragement is the highest achievement of all. Learn not to compare yourself to others, because you never really know what personal trials and obstacles they face. A humble soul does not come from a space of fear, but attempts to take chances on new ideas and experiences for the benefit of all.

When you live without self- importance and pride, you find it easy to practice kindness.

Remember life does not revolve around only what you can do to succeed, but what you can do to help those on your path. Live life ever grateful for today and enthusiastic about what tomorrow may bring.

This month let your true joy be derived from giving rather than receiving. 

I Wish You A Spectacular September 
Love and Light 


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