✨Reading for November 2017✨


November carries the energy of number 11. #11 signifies spiritual awakening and enlightenment.This month is going to be guiding all of us to awaken to higher levels so we can feel connected aligned with our purpose. As 2018 is also a number 11 year, This means that you can use the energy of November 2017 to begin manifesting and setting intentions for next year. Really use this energy to bring in more love, abundance and gratitude, start focusing your attention on what you want, rather than what you don’t want. Remember that no matter what life deals you, we all have the power to co-create and be active participants in our reality. Start working on yourself this month. Sign up for a month of magical healing. Click here for details.

Week 1: “Miracles are blossoming in my life”

It’s time to de-clutter your life. This week get rid of unwanted things in your home and release unwanted thoughts, emotional baggage and memories. Become aware of what you are resisting to release. Be honest with yourself. Trust that the universe will bring you something better. Let go and make space for ‘Miracles’ to arrive in your life. Don’t limit the ways in which you think they can appear. It’s important your conscience be clear for you to set intentions for manifestations. Release all that no longer serves you now.

Week 2: "I stand in the light of truth”

Whatever you focus on constantly becomes your higher power. 

Ask yourself; What do I need to do to be in accordance with my deepest truth?

There is a place inside you that always knows the truth.That it your true north. Let your internal compass stay pointed towards it. Trust that you will never be lost even on a starless night when all seems dark.Stay focussed on your highest path and have faith that wonderful new experiences will enter your life this week.Surrender to what the universe brings you now. 

Week 3: "I am strong, valiant and courageous”

This week be mindful. Mindfulness is about being observant and remaining neutral about what goes on around you as well within you. Don’t take anything personally.The wizard of awareness reminds us that people come and go, experiences evolve from one state to another in a continual shifting and change no matter how much you might want things to stay the same. 

Ask yourself; What could be the outcome if I conquer my hesitations?

 Allow yourself to have courage to go beyond your self imposed barriers. It takes courage to observe aswell. Give up your need to define or limit what you experience this week. It’s all good! Let it be and watch it unfold like an observer without any direct influence from you. 

Week 4: ”Deep inner knowing is emerging within me”

The final week of November is the perfect time to harness the field of vast potential not yet realised in your life. Really focus on your best version of life regardless of temporary situations that might be happening right now. This is a week to set intentions.Be clear about your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. You will reap what you have sown very soon so Dream big, Dream beautiful, take action and tend to the garden of your life..

The universe offers you the Chalice of Wisdom. 

Ask yourself; How can the wisdom of my past help me with my present and future? 

An inner portal will open for you so pay attention to coincidences, signs and synchronicities around you. 

To sign up for a personal reading click here: http://imojo.in/4q3uu4

Previous Monthly Readings: