Messages for the Heart Reading

( 8th - 15th February)


As this month is all about the heart, Get a reading regarding a current relationship, or guidance on how to manifest love in your life. Ask as many questions as you like.

Offer is valid from 8th - 15th February 2017.

Cost: Rs 1100/- Only

Thought about a valentines present yet?

Here's one option!! Gift a Reading!

Time period on this offer is complete. Click here to get a card reading.



Chakra Grid for February


Chakra Healing Grid( 2nd- 14th February) for the Heart, Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakra based on the Reading for the month guidance on crystals for February.

The crystal grid is now active for those who signed up! "May you live your life to its fullest potential and trust the messages from your heart"! 💚

Sign up period completed !